Working Papers
Understanding the Heterogeneity of Intergenerational Mobility across Neighborhoods with Steven N. Durlauf, Rasmus Landersø, and Salvador Navarro
NBER Working Paper #33035
This version: October 2024
Recent research has uncovered large spatial heterogeneity in intergenerational mobility across neighborhoods in countries around the world. Yet there is little consensus on the reasons why mobility is high in some neighborhoods and low in others. This paper analyzes a generalized mobility model that examines the roles that families’ selection into neighborhoods and locational characteristics play in generating this spatial heterogeneity. We use administrative data from Denmark to decompose variation in mobility across nearly 300 larger and 2,000 smaller neighborhoods along these dimensions, accounting for sampling error. Families’ selection into neighborhoods and sampling error explain most observed heterogeneity across neighborhoods. Our generalized model explains most of the differences in mobility between neighborhoods, though a small but persistent difference remains between neighborhoods that our model cannot account for. An analysis of this “irreducible heterogeneity” suggests that neighborhoods exhibit multiple types in terms of their mobility effects.
Does "Welfare-to-Work" Work? Evaluating Long-Run Effects across a Generation of Cohorts
First Version: May 2024. This version: January 2025
Winner of APPAM PhD Dissertation Award, Runner-up of NTA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
Work requirements in welfare programs are popular yet controversial. This paper provides a unified evaluation of Denmark’s “welfare-to-work” reforms by analyzing their long-term effects across 19 birth cohorts. Impacts vary by age of exposure to the reforms. Adult cohorts incur modest income losses and shift toward crime and disability insurance. In contrast, child cohorts exposed before becoming welfare-eligible reap gains in education, income, and health, likely due to parental spillovers and anticipation effects. Cost-benefit analysis shows welfare-to-work is cost-effective in the long run due to these younger cohorts. These findings help unify the literature and suggest more efficient policy designs.
Immobility as Memory: Some New Approaches to Characterizing Intergenerational Dependence via Markov Chains with Lawrence E. Blume, Steven N. Durlauf, and Aleksandra Lukina
NBER Working Paper #33166
First version: February 2024. This version: November 2024
Revisions requested at Sociological Methods & Research
This paper proposes some new measures of intergenerational persistence based on the idea of characterizing the memory of origin in the stochastic process that links the socioeconomic classes of parents and children. We introduce "memory curves" for all future generations given any initial condition of class for a family dynasty, which reveal how initial conditions interact with the transition process between parents and children to create mobility and persistence. We also propose ways to aggregate information across different classes to produce overall characterizations of mobility in the population. To illustrate our measures, we estimate occupational "memory curves" using U.S. survey data. Our findings show that, on average, the memory of initial conditions dissipates largely within three generations, though there is meaningful heterogeneity in mobility rates across dynasties originating from different occupational classes.
Intergenerational Mobility with Steven N. Durlauf
NBER Working Paper #29760
Prepared for The Inequality Reader, Fifth Edition, D. Grusky, N. Dahir and C. Daviss, eds.
This version: February 2022
This essay reviews the theory and empirics of intergenerational mobility. Our review draws on models and empirical analyses of classic and more recent work from both economics and sociology. We summarize models and the surrounding empirical evidence of two key sets of mechanisms: family factors (income, education, credit constraints, household composition, and genes) and social factors (schools, neighborhood sorting, racial segregation, and peer and role model effects). We then discuss and evaluate current methods used to measure intergenerational mobility, including linear regressions and Markov chains. Theoretical models imply nonlinear relationships between parent and child status that are often ignored in practice and offer potentially different interpretations of the evidence of heterogeneity in mobility across locations, groups, and time. We conclude that the next generation of studies would benefit from a closer integration of theory with empirics.
Works in Progress
The Effects of Participating in Multiple Safety Net Programs on Family Well-Being with Derek Wu
Intergenerational Bottlenecks with Joshua Shea
Long-Run Effects of Two-Generational Social Policy at Scale